破解凶案! Fitbit智能手环心率数据立功!‘亚虎平台游戏官网’

本文摘要:Fitbit data has been used by US police investigating whether a 90-year-old murdered his stepdaughter.日前,美国警方通过利用Fitbit手环的数据,调查了一名90岁的男子否杀死了自己的继女。



Fitbit data has been used by US police investigating whether a 90-year-old murdered his stepdaughter.日前,美国警方通过利用Fitbit手环的数据,调查了一名90岁的男子否杀死了自己的继女。The victim, Karen Navarra, 67, was found with a kitchen knife in her hand, suggesting she killed herself.受害者凯伦·纳瓦拉,今年67岁,被找到的时候手中握着一把厨房用刀,营造出有自杀身亡的情景。Anthony Aiello, who denies murder, told police he had visited her for 15 minutes to drop off pizza.安东尼·艾洛坚称了杀害,他告诉他警员自己是来探望纳瓦拉,在她家睡了15分钟,送给她带给了披萨。But police say a fitness tracker she was wearing showed a significant spike in heart rate followed by a rapid slowdown at the time he was there.但警方找到,纳瓦拉配戴的健美追踪器表明,在艾洛在现场的那段时间,纳瓦拉的心率明显提高,然后又很快上升。

According to a police statement obtained by USA Today, Ms Navarras Fitbit Alta device showed a raised heart rate at about 15:20 local time, when video evidence suggested Mr Aiellos car was at her house.根据《今日美国》取得的一份警方声明表明,当地时间15:20分,纳瓦拉的Fitbit智能手环表明她跳动加快,而视频证据表明,艾洛的车当时就停车在纳瓦拉家。It then recorded her heart rate slowing rapidly and stopping at 15:28, five minutes before he left.在艾洛离开了的五分钟前,Fitbit智能手环的记录表明她的心率很快上升,并在15:28分几乎暂停。




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